
Samen groeien naar succes, met de ontwikkeling van

Elk individu en elke organisatie heeft het potentieel om te groeien en te excelleren. Onze missie is om die groei te faciliteren door op maat gemaakte oplossingen aan te bieden voor het ontwikkelen van de organisatie, het team, leiderschap en individuen.

Bent u een start-up die haar indentiteit wil versterken, een scale up met groeipijn, een gevestigde onderneming die haar leiderschapsteam wil verbeteren, of een organisatie die het maximale uit haar werknemers wil halen, dit vraagt om strategische ontwikkeling van organisatie en talent. Laat ons meedenken.



Mensen zijn op hun best als ze zichzelf kunnen zijn. Als ze werk doen dat van nature bij ze past. Een talentgerichte organisatie herkent én ontwikkelt talenten van medewerkers en benut zo hun volledige potentieel. Als je medewerkers inzet op hun sterke punten, dan levert dat betere prestaties, hogere motivatie en meer betrokkenheid op.



Je team werkt niet goed samen, er wordt weinig initiatief getoond, slecht gecommuniceerd of er zijn constant kleine conflicten en irritaties. Hierdoor is er onvoldoende vertrouwen en geen samenhorigheid. Hetgeen het teamsucces in de weg staat. Wij zorgen voor hogere individuele productiviteit en betere teamprestaties.



Bij Grow Your Talent richten we ons niet alleen op het optimaliseren van processen, maar ook op het versterken van individuen en teams om hun volledige potentieel te benutten. Met integraal talent management, is onze strategische aanpak ontworpen om de efficiëntie, effectiviteit en het welzijn van uw organisatie te verbeteren, en een cultuur van samenwerking en groei te bevorderen.


Human Resources Management

Wij adviseren op het gebied van Human Resources, omdat een succesvolle HR-strategie onmisbaar is bij de ontwikkeling van zowel de organisatie als het team. Verandering begint met de juiste mensen op de juiste plek, ondersteund door efficiënte processen en een stimulerende werkomgeving. Zo creëer je een krachtige combinatie, het begin van verandering en groei.


Met meer dan 18 jaar ervaring in Human Resources en talentontwikkeling, zijn wij experts in gedrag binnen organisaties. Dankzij de samenwerkingen met diverse teams uit verschillende disciplines en landen in Europa, hebben we diepgaande kennis van uiteenlopende culturen en gedragspatronen ontwikkeld. Dit stelt ons in staat om snel inefficiënte systemen te analyseren en tot de kern van problemen te komen.

Onze opdrachtgevers

Al meer dan 10 jaar werken we samen met onze klanten om blijvende groei te realiseren voor zowel medewerkers als organisaties. We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen:


Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Beijer Electronics

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Sato Europe

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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B&R a member of the ABB group

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Fortop Automation

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Axelera AI

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Aaeon Technology Europe

Aaeon Technology Europe


Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Isotron Automation

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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ABB www.abb.com


Applied Micro Electronics

Applied Micro Electronics

Texim Europe

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Beijer Electronics

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Sato Europe

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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B&R a member of the ABB group

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Fortop Automation

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Axelera AI

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Aaeon logo

Aaeon Technology Europe

Aaeon Technology Europe


Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

Aaeon logo


Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

Aaeon logo


Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Isotron Automation

Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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Met trots presenteren we een selectie van onze impactvolle projecten. Elk project laat zien hoe we complexe uitdagingen omzetten in concrete, waardevolle resultaten.

Bekijk onze cases

We nodigen je uit om verder te kijken en meer te ontdekken over de projecten die onze expertise en passie voor organisatieontwikkeling, teamontwikkeling en talentontwikkeling tot leven brengen.

Organization Development

Assignment: Transforming Company Culture

The foundation of a successful organization lies in its culture and the performance of its people. We have been deeply involved in a long-term project aimed at building a motivating and effective company culture. Read more…

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Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing Team Cooperation and Communication

Recognizing the importance of a cohesive team, the management decided to invest in a team development project. The primary objectives were to enhance cooperation, improve communication, and foster a better understanding of each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Read more…

Leadership Team Development

Assignment: Enhancing communication, initiative, and ownership within the Leadership team

The Management Team, composed of department heads, was highly skilled in their respective areas and wanted to enhance the function cohesively of the Management Team. The organization sought to develop a team that could strengthen collaboration, communication, and take collective ownership of organizational goals. Read more…

HR strategy

Assignment: Establishing the HR organization from the ground up for a High Tech Startup.

The objective of this assignment was to establish a fully functional European HR organization from the ground up. This involved several key tasks, including the recruitment of the HR team, the selection and hiring of the executive team (Vice President of HR, Chief Financial Officer, Chief of Staff), and the implementation of essential HR systems and processes. Click more…

Talent Management

Assignment: Implementation of an integral Talent Managent process with the TMA method.

The main objectives were identifying and developing core competencies across the organization to build a more agile, high-performing workforce, aligning talent with organizational goals and enhancing employee engagement. This case outlines the implementation of an integral talent management process using the TMA method, showcasing its impact on employee engagement, development, and organizational performance. Read more…

Organization / HR Strategy

Assignment: Building a High-Performing Organization.

The objective of this project was to transform a rapidly growing company into a high-performing organization capable of sustaining long-term success. As the company expanded, it became crucial to establish a robust framework that fostered a culture of excellence, accountability, and continuous improvement. Read more…

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